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Anwar Stands His Ground On Foreign Policy Asian Media Report

Anwar stands his ground on foreign policy

Malaysia's new prime minister has vowed to continue the country's traditional policy of non-alignment and to resist pressure from the United States to take sides in the conflict between China and the US.

Anwar Ibrahim made the comments in an interview with the Asian Media Report, his first since taking office last month. He said that Malaysia would continue to pursue an independent foreign policy and would not be pressured into taking sides in the conflict between China and the US.

Anwar's comments come as the US has been increasing its pressure on Malaysia to take a more active role in the conflict between China and the US. The US has asked Malaysia to join the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), a grouping of the US, India, Japan, and Australia that is seen as a way of countering China's growing influence in the region.

However, Anwar has so far resisted US pressure to join the Quad. He has said that Malaysia will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy and will not be pressured into taking sides in the conflict between China and the US.

Anwar's comments have been welcomed by some Malaysian analysts, who say that they reflect the country's traditional policy of non-alignment. However, other analysts say that Anwar's comments may be unrealistic and that Malaysia may eventually be forced to take sides in the conflict between China and the US.

The conflict between China and the US is a complex and long-standing one. The two countries have been competing for influence in the Asia-Pacific region for decades, and the conflict has intensified in recent years as China has become increasingly assertive in its claims to territory in the South China Sea.

The US has accused China of bullying its neighbors and of threatening freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. China has denied these accusations, and has said that it is committed to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

The conflict between China and the US has implications for the entire Asia-Pacific region, and Malaysia is one of the countries that is most likely to be affected. Malaysia has close ties to both China and the US, and it is important for the country to maintain a neutral stance in the conflict.

Anwar's comments suggest that Malaysia will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy and will not be pressured into taking sides in the conflict between China and the US. This is a welcome development, and it is in the best interests of Malaysia and the region as a whole.
